Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Dear kitchen

Dear kitchen,
Suddenly I miss my blog!! After trying so hard to get in, finally I found my account and password. Yes! But oops I just realized that I didn't update for about two years, because my last entry was at March 2009!!

And I don't even get that this blog is dedicated to the kitchen. The kitchen I sit in everyday doing my ginger activities. And the ginger? Thanks God the ginger grows better. I planted some on the backyard. No I was kidding!!

Now I have an employer, hmm a staff hehe, a production staff. But I don't have enough money and time to focus on the ginger. So the production is still only twice or three times a week. I am now busy at freelance teaching where I got some money from. I teach biology, some of the students ask me to teach them biology in English (oh mampus). But I love it. And I love the ginger too. The ginger in the kitchen.

I have got an healthy ID number from Bantul Health Government. It called nomor Produk Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT). I have to pay two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah to get that number. But my ginger is now registered in the country. Yeah I'm a warrior.

The other warrior is of course my boyfriend. He sell the ginger to some store (warung I mean) every week. But today, and today, he left me to watch Ungu band. Hyah mengerikan cowok nonton ungu jadi apa??

So kitchen, I wont leave you! Someday I believe, you and my ginger will become a great factory and we will make a lot of money and help unemployment people^^

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